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Chris Dunham and his new venture


Chris Dunham, failed not only as a human being, but as a dog trainer as well. Since he is unable to hold a job (because that would mean his pay check would be garnished, and he could not avoid paying child support) he has decided on a new venture in the business world. What now you ask? Airbrishing. Yes, he is the master of all things, especially warming a couch at his mommy's house now, where he and his twit girlfriend, Tika, live.


The funniest part of this new business venture is the fact that the items he lists, the spelling is so incorrect, a first grader will laugh at it. I mean I must have laughed until I had an asthma attack (PS, I DO NOT have asthma). I do not think he graduated kindergarten. Seriously. Then he claims the art is HIS design, which adds more proof that Chris is in fact,not only a thief/liar but also dillusional. I searched a few of the images, and lo and behold, they were drawn by others, NOT by him. So again he proves he can steal, and that he is a true thief, down to his bones.


Sending twit Tika out to work is still not enough, not that she should drive a bus filled with kids. She runs into closed gates, by hitting gas rather than brakes, so I have been told.  Yes, I am serious. She totally did that!


Anyways, back to master of nothing. His new business, which is of course UNLICENSED or insured, is called Airbrush Plus, Inc. I will share with you the links as well as some of the wonderful mis-spelled items that you too, can over pay for.


Facebook page:





Now for the funny stuff

Look at not only the awful spelling, but the horrible grammar as well. For just over 20 bucks, you also can own a mis-spelled and grammar lacking shirt, made exclusively by Chris Dunham and his lack of brain cells.


Hey Chris, it's called spell check. Use it. Live it. Love it. Don't ask Tika how to spell it. She also does not know.


Such a "handfull" of "pshyco". That's what you "got".


It is too sad to even be funny anymore. Thud.


Then you have the famous "Look what I made in just a few minutes". In reality, it should read, "Look what I stole and call my own, within a few minutes. Notice the bus picture. It was NOT drawn by him, but definitely stolen by him. He took the picture from online, added "Now Hiring", the other wording, and is calling it his work. NOTHING he does is ever difficult. Why draw, when you can simply steal? The same way he gets through his life, steal from others. Be it money, pot, a home, anything and everything, he will steal it as he sees fit.


So google search cartoon bus, school bus, bus driver images, and you will find this design. Also after a visit to his page, you will recognize MANY of "his" designs, even at your local walmart stores. Matter of fact, a certain shirt he is selling for over $20 on his site,  is $8.96 at Walmart and yes it IS printed on both sides.

Therefore, if you want to buy way over priced clothing and signs, with mis-spelled words & stolen designs, you know where to go. if you want to avoid looking like an idiot by wearing these items, you know where not to go.

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